Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Organic Mint Tea

Constantijn brewed up a great pot of of organic - or was it bio dynamic? - mint tea after which we sat on our cabin porch admiring the neighbouring caravans. I had just turned danish bacon, margarine, danish egg and finely ground pepper and salt into a Carbonara that would surely have stopped the Risorgimento dead in its tracks but which given the circumstances tasted acceptably good. Is any of this relevant?

Let's stick to facts: I can report that three members Dutch Belgian Moth Association, E.B, C.W., and G. G. had a dinner party in Horsens - to celebrate a week of boat work. Of note that in that location and at that time a European Championship was sailed in which E.B. distinguished himself by kicking ass.


  1. Dude you are seriously raising the literary bar.

  2. Great shot ;-) off some very nice mint tea.....
