Sunday, April 5, 2009


Garda has been unusual so far. The wind has been mostly light and I´ve only had one afternoon being bucked by the Torbolean waves which I came to tame. I whisper to them but they are not listening...yet.

Today my light air take off speed was in the low fives and just three weeks ago it had been in the high sixes. I´ve been imagining possibilities instead of limitations.


  1. Giovanni how much do you weigh? It sounds like you need to eat more if you are lifting out at five knots boatspeed!

  2. I´m a big guy - for a moth sailor and wearing a less than ideal dry suit. Water is nasty cold. Wore a drysuit today just to look cool or just less uncool and I could feel my muscles stiffen. It´s back to the red floppy packaging tomorrow.

    It´s a little more than five but well below six. Might be the cold fresh water. Who knows? Mountains all around exerting negative gravity? I´m digging deep into my baggage of...mothodology.

  3. I am sure the new foils will get you up even sooner too.

    Eat some pizza!

  4. hi Gio, its probably the cold and denser wind. went sailing last weekend in 18knt, but preassure felt more like te worlds

  5. Hi Giovanni,

    got a nice training video of you.
    I was out training with my 420 Guys when you passed our fleet. Got everything on camera ;-)

    Post your email and i will send you the Video for posting here.

    Best winds,

  6. Hi Dominik, you can use giovanni-galeotti at

  7. Video is on the way. Get it online.
