Friday, November 28, 2008

Fat and Happy

Maybe I'll just publish my great grandmother's recipes on the blog and hope that has a fattening effect on the competition. But that wouldn't really be fair, would it?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The End

It's close to the end of the year. Will do the Snipe Europeans in Las Palmas, Canaries with Floris, then the season will be history.

That's not the end this post is about.
The end is the objective, the final desired outcome, the purpose. And my question is: to what end did I begin a relationship with the Moth? What do I want to do with thirty odd kilos of foiling carbon? What do I want to do with myself?

Moth sailing is so involving it empties the brain; it's zen. So am I seeking enlightenment? Hardly. That happened when I was five.
The end is the beginning.